FCH CH Red Fever Rip Tearn Beast Mode |
Beast Treed @ 10 months old |
PR Red Fever Beast Mode |
Beast Mode - 5th Place Open Registered Friday at National Redbone Days |
Beast Mode - Field Trial Winner at American Redbone Days |
Beast Mode |
FCH CH PR Red Fever Beast Mode
Sire: NITECH GRWCH GRFCH GRCH PR Red Fever Razor's Rip N Tear
Dam: NITECH GRFCH WCH GRCH PR Red Fever Baby Likes To Rock
DOB: 11/24/16
Click Here to hear Beast and Taterchips tracking in the corn
Click Here to See Beast.....Slobber mouth treedog!
Click Here to hear Beast and Tot tracking, locate, and tree
Click Here to See Beast and Tot tree
click here to see Baby and Beast tree on Beast's 2nd night out
NITECH GRWCH GRFCH GRCH PR Red Fever Razor's Rip N' Tear |
GRFCH WCH GRCH PR Red Fever Baby Likes To Rock |
Rip Treed |
Baby Queen of Show |
Rip Treed |
Baby Treed |
Beast is a beautiful boy, and has been all natural in the woods. He was running and treeing drags at 4 months old, and ran
and treed his first night to the woods at 10 months old. He has a beautiful bawl mouth, an easy to call die bawl locate,
and is a chop on tree. He is a classy treedog, and he is also very naturally independent, and looks to get split when he
can. He is a super nice young male, that is fun to hunt, and bred to reproduce. Beast currently has 4 wins toward NITECH,
is a UKC Field Champion, UKC Show Champion, and is starting to pick up some points in the water races!
5/9/20: Congrats to Aubrey and Beast (Rip x Baby) on your cast win at Wilton, WI! Only one more to go. Beast also won line
and tree in the Champion field trial, line and tree in his heat in the water race, Champion male in the show, and was the
Overall WI State Tough Dog!!
4/24/20: Beast wins his cast, and picks up another win toward NITECH!
9/7/19: Beast wins Champion line and tree in the field trial at the ARCA sectional in Wilton. He also won Champion male
in the show, and King of Show!
7/6/19: Beast wins line and tree in his heat in the Champion field trial, and was the Overall Field Trial winner for the
7/5/19: Beast wins Best Male Hunting Dog in the Hunting Show at National Redbone Days. He also won 5th place open registered
in the Night Hunt!!
7/4/19: Beast wins line and tree in his heat, and line and tree in the final of the field trial, finishing him to Field
6/28/19: Aubrey entered Beast in his first night hunt, and he won his cast, and got his first win toward NITECH!!
6/15/19: Beast wins line and tree in his heat and line in the final of the open Field Trial at American Redbone Days.
6/14/19: Beast wins line in his heat and in the final of the open Field Trial at American Redbone Days.
5/11/19: Beast wins class and breed both days at the Heartland Classic, finishing him to Show Champion.
9/8/18: Beast wins line and tree in his heat, and line and tree in the final of the field trail. He also won class, breed,
BOS male, and King of Show at the Wilton ARCA sectional.
8/25/18: Beast wins line in his heat, and line in the finals of the field trial.
..........PR' Turpin's KS Thunder
....PR' Thomas' MO Bruiser
........PR' Burke's Red Cricket
..GRNITECH GRCH PR' Key's Outlaw Razor Red
........GRNITECH PR' Hurst's Honest Amos
....PR' Marcum's Red Kentucky Molly
........NITECH PR' Dean's Little Red Ruby
.NITECH GRWCH GRFCH GRCH PR' Red Fever Razor's Rip 'N Tear
........GRNITECH CH PR' Dawns Timber Jack
.....NITECH GRCH PR' Timber Jack's Racket
........NITECH GRCH PR' Squal Mountain Goldie
...NITECH CH PR' Sassafras Burning Breeze
........GRCH GRNITECH PR' Outlaw Billy the Kid
.....NITECH PR' MIller's Outlaw Timber Spice
........GRCH GRNITECH PR' Key's Outlaw Timber Girl
******FCH CH PR Red Fever Beast Mode********
..........PR' Thomas' MO Bruiser
.....GRNITECH GRCH PR' Key's Outlaw Razor Red
..........PR' Marcum's Red Kentucky Molly
...NITECH GRWCH GRFCH GRCH PR Red Fever Razors Rip N Tear
..........NITECH GRCH PR Timber Jack's Racket
.....NITECH CH PR Sassafras Burning Breeze
..........NITECH PR Miller's Outlaw Timber Spice
NITECH GRWCH GRCH Goza's Sing Along Rock N Roll
..........PR 5-Oaks Ind Magic Mason
.....GRCH PR Ristau's Hard-Ax Jack
..........PR Hobb's Red Nipper
..NITECH CH PR Goza's Sing Along Wild Rose
.........NITECH Goza's Sing Along Jake ( 4 wins toward GRNITE)
........NITECH GRCH Goza's Sing Along Red Rose
...........CH Chatmans Lucy Bell
NITECH GRWCH GRFCH GRCH Red Fever Baby Likes To Rock
................PR' Thomas' MO Bruiser
..........GRNITECH GRCH PR' Key's Outlaw Razor Red
................PR' Marcum's Red Kentucky Molly
......NITECH GRCH PR' Tree Rizin' Two Worlds Collide
................GRCH PR' Fischer's Loonie Lennie
..........GRCH PR' Tree Rizin' Triple Crown
................GRCH PR' Rev's Sierra's Red Queen
...GRCH PR' Red Fever Top of The World
................PR' Thomas' MO Bruiser
.........GRNITECH GRCH PR' Key's Outlaw Razor Red
................PR' Marcum's Red Kentucky Molly
.....NITECH GRCH PR' Tree Rizin' Razor's Lil' Ghost
................GRNITECH GRCH PR' Parker's Reverend Red
.........GRCH PR' Lee's Redhot Breeze
................GRNITECH GRCH PR' Fireball's Little Hattie